What is NMN ?
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (molecular formula: C11H15N2O8P, CAS number: 1094-61-7, also known as NMN, beta-Nicotinamide mononucleotide or β-NMN) is a vitamin B3 metabolite [1], naturally found in the human body, and in common foods such as broccoli and cabbage in tiny amounts[2].
NMN started to gain interest as a potential nutritional supplement in 2013, after a study conducted by Harvard scientists on mice resulted in a robust correction in age-associated metabolic dysfunction, and restored muscle mitochondrial function in old mice to levels seen in younger control mice, after administering NMN for just one week [3].
When the researchers compared insulin resistance, inflammation and muscle wastage in the muscle of the older mice, they found that these three indicators resembled that of younger mice; some aspects of the aging process were seemingly reversed [4].
This dramatic rejuvenation of old mice as a result of NMN supplementation resulted in many more studies being conducted on NMN in the fields of rejuvenation, anti-aging, life extension, and performance enhancement.
NMN was first produced as a supplement for humans in 2015 [5], but was extremely expensive to manufacture, until methods were developed to reduce production costs and increase purity in 2018[6], at which point laboratories geared up for mass production started to come online.
Notable further studies by Harvard scientists have found that when NMN was administered to advanced aged mice, DNA repair capabilities were improved [7], as well as improved blood vessel growth, increased blood flow, and increased endurance[8].
Mice are not humans though, and promising results during trials on mice often do not transpire into positive results in humans. Multiple human trials are currently in progress [10,11,31], with NMN appearing to be safe for humans to consume, and preliminary results are said to be promising[12].
How does NMN work?
NMN is a precursor to the NAD+ molecule; the human body requires NMN in order to make its own NAD+. NAD+ is the oxidised form of NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a molecule first discovered in 1906, and found in all living cells [13]. NAD+ levels naturally decline as the body ages [14], by up to 50% in human skin tissue by the age of 40-60[15].
NAD+ is important because it helps maintain healthy mitochondrial function; converting food into the energy needed to sustain the body, and turning off genes thought to contribute to accelerating the aging process [16,17,24].
Preclinical studies have shown a correlation between lower NAD+ levels and some age-related health concerns [18]. This may in part be because lower NAD+ levels reduce the capacity for cellular repair and resiliency, leading to a decline in cardio-metabolic health and a greater risk of neuro and muscular degeneration[19,20].
NAD+ is also critical for repairing broken DNA strands [21,28], for the function of sirtuins, a family of aging and longevity regulating enzymes[22,27], and for an enzyme called CD38, involved in immune function response[25,26].
It is therefore theorised that increasing NAD+ levels and maintaining high NAD+ levels into old age may increase the amount of time spent in good health. However, human trials are required before this theory can be substantiated.
Supplementing with NAD+ itself is not an option to boost NAD+ levels, because it is too big to readily cross cell membranes to enter cells, and therefore would be unable to positively affect metabolism [23]. Supplementing with NMN, a precursor to NAD+, has been shown to increase NAD+ levels in mice [3], and is expected to show increased NAD+ levels in humans when clinical trials are completed, as other NAD+ precursors have done[29,30].
What are the benefits of NMN?
Boosting NAD+ levels with NMN supplementation in aged mice has been a remarkable success, resulting in rejuvenation, the reduction of several markers of age-related degeneration, increased endurance, and even extended lifespan [3,4,7,8,9,33]. One long term study on mice, conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found that older mice administered with NMN had improvements in skeletal muscle, liver function, bone density, eye function, insulin sensitivity, immune function, body weight and physical activity levels [9]. They found that young mice naturally produced enough NMN and didn’t see any benefit when supplementing with it; it was specifically older mice who showed dramatic improvement, as their ability to produce NMN had diminished.
The real question though, is what are the potential benefits of NMN supplementation in humans? And the answer is that we don’t know.
As promising as the mice studies are, promising results during trials on mice often do not transpire into positive results in humans. Multiple human trials are currently in progress [10,11,31], with NMN at least appearing to be safe for humans to consume, and preliminary results are said to be promising[12].
When reviewing the studies in mice, it’s important to note the mg dosage per kg of body weight, which is often a lot higher than the equivalent recommended dosage in humans.
It’s also worth noting the length of time that NMN supplementation was administered. A week of NMN supplementation to a mouse could be equivalent to 25-45 weeks in a human [34].
NMN is being marketed by some as a miracle supplement, implying or claiming that benefits seen in studies on mice are to be expected in humans too. While it is possible to an extent, it’s misleading to make such claims at this stage.
There are some impressive anecdotal claims from people who have supplemented with NMN, but until results can be replicated in human trials, claims or promises of benefits to humans from supplementing with NMN can’t be substantiated.
If human trials are able to replicate some of the results seen in studies on mice, the potential implications are significant and wide-ranging, but until then, any hopes of NMN reversing or slowing down aging, treating illness, delaying degenerative diseases or extending lifespan are just theoretical.
Why PlantPills NMN?
We provide high purity, pharmaceutical grade, independently verified nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), for sale in the UK with delivery worldwide, at fair and reasonable prices for a material that is so expensive to produce.
Nobody should consider taking any NMN supplement if the retailer can’t provide test results from a third party laboratory.
The test results should be from a reputable laboratory that isn’t associated with the manufacturer or the retailer, and should confirm that the product is at least 99% pure nicotinamide mononucleotide, and doesn’t contain any dangerous levels of heavy metals or micro-organisms.
Without third party testing, it’s completely unknown whether the product is what it claims to be, and whether it’s safe for human consumption. Unfortunately the market is rife with fake NMN due to the high price.
Every batch of PlantPills NMN powder is independently verified to have a purity of at least 99%, with no dangerous levels of heavy metals or micro-organisms. The certifications for the current batch are viewable below. The current batch of our NMN powder has a purity of 99.4%.
Pack sizes are 5 grams, 10 grams, 25 grams, 50 grams, 100 grams, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1 kilogram and 2 kilograms.
Different pack sizes are selectable in the basket.