The perfect whole food, packed with nutrients needed by every human body, in near-perfect ratios.
What is chlorella?
Chlorella is a tiny single-celled green alga that lives in fresh water. It's a plant that is about the same size as a human red blood cell, and has existed on earth for over 3 billion years. Strong sunlight, pure water and clean air enable chlorella to multiply at an incredible rate, and the entire reproduction cycle is complete within 24 hours.
PlantPills chlorella is grown in vast mineral rich fresh water cultivation ponds by the largest and oldest chlorella producer in the world, Taiwan Chlorella, who produce over 400 tons a year, and are acknowledged to be among the very best producers of chlorella in the world.
PlantPills chlorella is the best chlorella in the world, renowned not only for it’s high content of chlorophyll, chlorella extract and RNA/DNA, but crucially it is highly digestible and truly rich in vitamins, minerals and protein.
Why PlantPills chlorella?
PlantPills Chlorella comes from Taiwan Chlorella Manufacturing Company, who have been making premium grade chlorella for nearly 60 years. They are the world's largest, oldest, and most technically advanced producer of chlorella, and are considered to be among the very top producers in the world in terms of purity and bioavailability.
The cell wall of chlorella must be cracked or broken to enable humans to digest it. To crack the cell wall of PlantPills chlorella, the pressure is raised in the holding tank where the chlorella is stored, and then the pressure is suddenly released.
This advanced pressure method is patented, and much superior to older, cheaper methods such as milling, which often result in problems with lower digestibility and reduced nutritional value.
PlantPills chlorella (cracked cell wall, strain: Chlorella Pyrenoidosa) comes in powder or 250 mg tablets, significantly smaller and easier to take than the larger 500mg supplied by the majority of producers.
Pack sizes are 250 grams, 500 grams, 1 kilogram, 2 kilograms and 10 kilograms (selectable in the basket).